We got off to a great start with Nate's birthday party! But then our work travel began. Aaron and I both had trips for work this month that left our house feeling like a revolving door. One parent came home and unpacked his/her suitcase just in time for the other parent to repack and fly off. Lucky for no one, Aaron's trip to Louisiana coincided with a nasty stomach bug hitting our house. It started with Marg and no sooner did I have her crib sheets changed and rocked her back to sleep, Nate wakes up and joins the club. Get him back to sleep only to have Margaret wake up again. Thank the good Lord that I managed to stave off the bug until Aaron flew home at which time I immediately got sick and holed up for the next 20 hours or so.
Between multiple work trips, we also managed to squeeze in a little family time with a weekend visit to our cousins in Princeton. They have three girls who adore our kids and were fantastically helpful all weekend. The highlight of the visit for me was when, out of the blue, almost-five-year-old Emme reaches for my hand and says, "I'm so lucky you're my godmother." I'm sorry, what did you say you wanted for your birthday? A pony? Done.
Nate was in heaven with three "big kid" playmates and an entire house of new (to him) toys. And a pool in the backyard. Heaven. He even sampled his first lobster and clam and enjoyed them. Although not as much as he enjoyed his favorite, corn on the cob.
On the way to New Jersey, we spent a day in Lancaster visiting Dutch Wonderland with the Schochs.
And then on the way back, we spent the night with Nate's Bubbie and Zeyda and visited Sesame Place. We were really fortunate to be joined by Aaron's best friend, Khyber, and his oldest daughter, Juniper.
Nate loved the park and rode all the water slides at least once and the roller coaster three times. As we waited in line for one of the slides, he told, me, "We're not going home." Thinking he was loving the park I asked, "You think we should live at Sesame Place?" "No," he responds, "We're going back to my cousins' house." No doubt, you'd be welcome there.
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