Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Photos

It's been a while because we've been busy around here.  We welcomed our daughter Margaret Elizabeth on December 18th.  Although scheduled to be induced at 8am on the morning of the 18th, my contractions started coming pretty quickly as the nurse was walking me down the hall to my room in Labor and Delivery at 4am.  Just two hours later we were holding our beautiful baby Margaret in our arms.  What's amusing is how far off the doctors and u/s tech were in estimating her size.  Part of the reason for planning to induce at 40w+1day was the estimated large size of the baby.  But she was born at 7lbs 15ozs, a peanut compared to her older brother.

We came home on 12/20 and everyone is settling in.  Nate loves his sister and wants to hold and kiss her always. The other day he put on my cover and announced he was nursing.  Sorry to break it to you buddy, but your help can only go so far.

We celebrated Christmas Eve with mass and dinner at the Schochs.  Santa came to visit that night and our immediate family celebrated at home on the 25th with the Harris and Davis grandparents all here to join in the fun.  My siblings flew in later that week and we hosted Harris family Christmas in our little house!  It was great having everyone here and Nate was in heaven with so many aunts and uncles to play with.  He even got a sleepover with Aunt Meghan at her hotel.

As people left and Aaron headed back to work, we've finally begun settling into a routine.  We've also been immensely blessed to have my mom here lending a hand until January 15th.  I'm not sure what any of us are going to do when she leaves!

And as it's her first full calendar year, we've begun capturing Margo in at least one picture every day.  The idea was given to me by my friend Dawn with her son Anderson.  What's really cool is in 2013, we're both documenting our daughters.  Waverly is a few months older than Marg but they're experiencing their first full calendar year together.

Here she is, Margaret Elizabeth - Day by Day.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ajdavis/sets/72157632423695455/

1 comment:

  1. Holy fast labor! I'm jealous. I can't wait to watch Margo grow this year. If we lived closer Wave + Margo could be bff. let's skype/facetime soon.
