As we've entered the realm of more frequent doctor's appointments, they're also getting quicker and quicker. This morning we saw Dr. Band for a brief visit. Nate was excited to be at Dr. Sine's office but he got over his disappointment of not seeing her when Dr. Band gave him plenty to help with in the check up. Good, clear, strong heartbeat at 143 bpm.
I'm still measuring big with a lot of fluid so they're going to do another ultrasound in two weeks to estimate baby's size. Not sure exactly what that will mean for his or her arrival date, but we'll see on the 21st!
After spending a week with my Mom last week, she maintains I can't possibly get as big this pregnancy as I was with Nate. Below I offer proof to the contrary.
And speaking of my Mom - Happy Birthday, Mom/Grandma! Here's to all the new senior discounts you'll be afforded now that you're 65.
34 weeks pregnant with Nate:
34 weeks pregnant with this baby:
Oh, little one, your Aunt Meghan is so excited to meet you! I will see you in a few weeks...and I'll bring presents!