Friday, April 27, 2012

Bathroom - Follow Up

Last weekend Amy pointed out that we never shared an "after" photo of the bathroom.

Here you have the almost final version.  Since this picture was taken last month, we added a toilet seat, curtain rod and shower curtain.  But I'm too lazy to take and upload a final, final picture.
Worth noting, when my parents visited, my Mom said, "The floors look much nicer in person." So I suppose I should instruct everyone to look at this picture and imagine nicer floors :)

Day 13 (DSC_0088)

For the start to finish:


  1. WOW it looks awesome! Did you guys do all the work yourselves?

  2. Looks great! We finished ours about 1 1/2 weeks ago, but still are waiting on the shower door installation. I'm loving your floor tiles.
