Check out the Davis and Schoch boys 2011:
Nate's second Halloween was a bit more interesting than his first. He was a kangaroo and he put on the costume with no problem. But he wasn't into Trick-or-Treating. At the first house, when our neighbor held out the bowl of candy, Nate shook his head no. At the second house, our neighbor handed Nate a piece of candy and he dropped it back in her bowl. For the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses, they put the candy directly into his bag. And then we called it a night and went home to hand out candy.
After a little while, we went to visit our friends the Schochs and got an updated picture of the boys. There's a new member of the crew this year, Dino-Will. He joins Kanga-Nate and Toucan-Sam (Really a parrot costume but how can you pass up "toucan" when you're talking about a Sam?)
Here's a better look at Nate as a Kangaroo:
I really don't remember Nate being so small!!! As far as him not taking Trick-or-Treat candy, good for should never take candy from strangers :-)