Nate was the ring bearer and the bride and groom were wonderful in being clear that they had no expectation of any specific performance when it came time to walk down the aisle. As a result, I wasn't worried about it and we didn't have to put pressure on Nate. So of course, he walked perfectly. I stood at the end of the aisle, pointed to Uncle Cullen standing on the alter and gave him a little push. I fully expected him to take a couple steps, stop, and turn around to look at me. But once he saw his uncle, he walked at a perfect pace down the long aisle. With a pew or two left to go, he took off in a run to his uncle's arms. It was perfect.
Margaret was the honorary flower girl. Which means she got to put on a pretty dress and have everyone tell her she's adorable. She was also perfect in fulfilling her duties.

We're so appreciative of Cullen and Ashley's inclusiveness!
That paint brush went down the aisle with him. |
We're so appreciative of Cullen and Ashley's inclusiveness!