We saw Dr. Porras this morning for Nate's four month checkup. Everything looks good although his growth has slowed down. His height and weight are down in the 34th percentile but the doctor said he's not concerned. Tonight we started him on solids, dinner was baby oatmeal. He's not a huge fan but he's still figuring out how the spoon works. We'll try bananas or sweet potatoes later this week, hopefully he'll consume a little more and spit a little less.
We spent Nate's first Thanksgiving in Mentor. He was fine in the car until the last couple of hours. On the ride back to Maryland, I sat in the back middle seat squished between Nate's car seat and Guinness. If Aaron finds a job sometime soon, we're heading out to find a new car with a bigger backseat!
A few pictures from Nate's four month birthday: