Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Month Old

Yesterday was Nate's one month birthday.  He is doing great, eating and sleeping like a champ and still an easy going baby!  Here are a couple of pictures from the one month mark.

CLICK HERE for more from the birthday photo shoot.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two Week Check-up

Nate saw Dr. Fishman yesterday for his 2 week appointment.  He weighed in at 9 pounds 11 ounces and 22 inches long.  He's healthy and obviously growing.  The doctor commented that he's so calm and settled that he looks like a 4-6 week old.  But next to the little boy we met in the waiting room (9 months old and almost 30 pounds!), Nate still looks like our little newborn peanut.

Aaron's favorite moment of the appointment was when the nurse put him on the scale and he immediately produced an arc of pee to spray all over the window.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jellybean arrives

Sorry for the lag in posting.  Between adjusting to life with a newborn and a houseful of visitors, we've had our hands full.

As you all know by now, Nathaniel James Davis arrived on Tuesday, July 27th.  Nathaniel is Hebrew for "God has given." We thought that was a very appropriate name for such a beautiful gift.  James is after my Dad and my Pop Pop (both James Harris) and the "J" is for Aaron's Grandpa Joe.

He was 10 days late and had to be coaxed out by the doctors and some pitocin, but he was worth every minute of waiting!  He came home on Thursday the 29th and we've been settling into life at home and our new routine.  He sleeps and eats on a pretty regular schedule, we have been very lucky to get 4-6 hour stretches of sleep most nights.

Last Monday Nate had his one week check-up.  He was 9lbs 3 ozs at birth, 8lbs 12 ozs when we left the hospital and by day 6 he was back up to 9lbs 2ozs.  The pediatrician said he's perfect and growing on track.  We head back to the doctor tomorrow for his 2 week check up.  Based on the rate he has already outgrown most of his newborn sized clothes, I'm betting he surpassed the 10 pound mark.

On Tuesday, August 3rd, we had Nate's bris here at the house.  We had about 20 people to help us celebrate.  It was my first bris and considering it was my baby being circumsized, I was very nervous.  But the Rabbi was very reassuring and in the end, I (and Nate's Bubbie) cried more tears than the baby did.  The ceremony was lovely and it was a nice celebration of our newest family member.

On Thursday we had his very first playdate.  I'm in a book club with 7 women.  There are a total of 7 kids with one more due in October.  All boys!  My friends Lydia and Danna brought their little ones over for lunch.  Here's a picture of Charlie and Cooper Teal and Ramsey Stanyard.  All three boys were born in March.  They look so much bigger than Nate, it's hard to believe they'll be the same size, chasing each other around before we know it.

Nate's already been out to the park, a couple of restaurants and visited Kate and Anthony's new apartment.  A busy baby!  Here is the album capturing his first couple of weeks.